Monday, July 7, 2008

4th weekend recap

location: Outside with cousins Mary and Issac
emotion: cheerful
I spent the holiday weekend full of activities. On the 4th we went to our family reunion, on my mom's side of the family. My dad's side of the family doesn't have anything like that, plus half the people I don't know (mostly likely never will) and are floating around in Germany or Yugoslavia. We haven't been to our reunion in a few years and people didn't know which one was Lauren and which was Melissa. The last time they saw us I think we were the same height, but even then they still didn't know who was who. I don't think I'll ever go to a reunion without getting called the wrong name. It doesn't really bother me any more, it did a few years ago. Some relatives came up from Arizona, the last time they were in Ohio I was really little and the lady asked my mom something about my mom's twins! Melissa and I were sitting next to our mom and started laughing. When my mom said 'These are my girls,' motioning to us 'and they are just sisters.' The lady looked surprised. I guess she was expecting to see two twin girls instead of the two girls that had been sitting in front of her the whole time.
The rest of the activities included the garage sale. We sold a few things, hopefully if we have another one it will do better. This one guy did buy 12 VHS tapes, so I was surprised. I went to see the Chardon fireworks. It was a very nice show this year. Afterwards, we went to DQ! Oh I love ice cream! On Sunday, I saw the newest Disney/Pixar creation Wall-e. So cute and a must see! It also had one of those short movies beforehand. I like watching those. They are entertaining. I also went to a friend's and watched fireworks there. Wow two fireworks shows in one weekend!


The Girl Next Door said...

Hey Lauren,

Sounds like you had a really fun week!
You got to see Wall-e!? That is sooo cool! I can't wait to see that movie.


runnergirl© said...

Hello sissy,

That renioun was hilarious! Except for how we kept having to take tim on like 3,000 walks up and down bascom!!!

Either way, I also found it funny how that guy laughed as he bought videos.

Jen said...

Pretty colors!

Lisa said...

What a fun weekend! I can't wait to see Wall-e. I agree about Pixar's shorts. They are great, we look forward to them almost as much as the movies.

Love, Mrs. K.

Anonymous said...

Yeah the bunk bed sold! and you didn't even have to sit our there all day! That's my kind of sale.

runnergirl© said...

'strong like bull'