Saturday, July 12, 2008

good times

location: my hometown

emotion: happy

Yesterday my mom, my sister, and I drove up to the nearby bike trail to go for a bike ride. The weather was perfect for it! We rode 4 miles took a break then turned around making it a 8 mile bike ride. During the ride, a nasty horse fly landed on my forehead, so now I have a bite there. You can't really see it but right now its starting to itch. I haven't gone on a bike ride in a while. By the end I was feeling sore from sitting. It was good to cross train, use different muscles other than running.

For the past two days Meli and I have been helping our dad stain the deck. Its all finished now and looks so much better. The sun beats down on it so it dried fast and we were able to swim within a few hours. We've been swimming a lot! The water isn't the warmest but on the hot days we have been having it feels so good! I guess I've been cross traing a lot.

Last night I had a friend over. We played the game LIFE with my siblings. Meli had a full van of kids and became upset when she passed a "baby girl" or "baby boy" space! I was soooo behind everyone on the board. I was still in college when everyone one else was married, had a house, and was beginning to land on baby spaces. When I finally got out I was a doctor (no wonder I was in college so long!). I started with the highest salary but it got taken away and I got the second highest. Meli took that away so I ended up with the lowest salary. Somehow at the end I won the game!! yippy!


runnergirl© said...

we make wretched painters so yes, I am happy the deck is done. the second day I was so tired from the bike ride I didn't think I could paint the bottom and the bell tower, but some how I managed.
Speaking of biking, it was soooo good to get out there. I feel...well, good! Biker's high. :)

Lisa said...

Biking sounds fun. We love going to the bike trail. But, since we don't have bikes we walk and run. :)

I'm glad you've been enjoying your pool. It's the best place to be on a hot humid summer day.

Your description of the game of Life was so cute. I used to love playing that game.

We recently cancelled cable so we have absolutely no tv now. We're starting to play more board games. We played Yahtzee the other day. I seem to be very lucky in that game so it's fun for me! ;)

We also like Balderdash and Scattergories. I also love Scrabble but we haven't played it too much lately.

Love, Mrs. K.

Jen said...

We played Memory today. :-) I think we need to come up in the world of games!

Anonymous said...

You gals did a fine job on the deck. You can be my residence painters. Oh great! right.