location: home (at 3:30 this hasn't happened since the musical!)
emotion: thankful
No track practice today! Next week is my last week of track. We have districts so it going to be a crazy week. We are going to have to get out of school early to go to Independence for the meet two days next. Not really any home work for the weekend and no early Saturday track meet. Things at school are slowing down, well in most classes. Algebra 2 doesn't fit in the slowing down category, sadly. People are getting back from college now. In art today Maggie came to show us her work from CIA (Cleveland institute of art). She just completed her first year there. Next year she is going to focus on her major. I forget what the proper title of her major is but I know it has to do with drawing pictures for text books and such. I always look forward to looking at other people's work. Maybe it will inspire me to pick up a pencil or paintbrush. That's something I've neglected to do in my own time. Very sad really. Maybe when I take a 2-3 break from running, it came be my therapy again. It will have to wait until tomorrow since I'm going shopping tonight.
it was a pleasant day today,wasn't it!
I haven't done anything arsty in a while. I have millions of projects to do! yikensanator...
Hey Lauren,
I bet you can't wait till school's out. I know I can't.
That's neat about what your friend is gonna major in. I have such little patience for drawing and painting (especially painting). But I know I could do it if I put my mind to it.
It would be really cool though if you started painting n' stuff.
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