location: school parking lot
emotion: chilly
This week is prom promise week. The whole week different issues were addressed. Today we got out of class to watch the mock crash. When we got out to the parking lot two cars were badly smashed to give the full affect. Some members of the drama club were the people in the cars. They had fake blood all over them. The fire department, ambulance, and a helicopter came to the scene. It was really chilly outside. Afterwards, the grim reaper paid its visits selecting its victims. So for the remainder of the day those chosen had fake blood across their face spelling the word dead and couldn't talk. The message was that these thing don't just happen around prom these things can happen to anyone at anytime.
Wow! What a very edgy way to get kid's attention - I pray it is as effective as it sounds it would be.
I hope you have a wonderful, safe time at prom. You are a blessing!
Mrs. G
I didn't even know about this until like 2 days after it happened.
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