The heart cups from Starbucks- such a cute idea for V-day!
Snow tubing- the ultimate form of sledding
Wearing shorts and a tee shirt at the rec in the middle of winter- I can't wait until I can outside
When I lost one friend and found that I had gained 10 others- some people I've known all along but never considered them my friends
The hoods on hoodies- I wish I could thank the inventor in person!
Netflix instant movies- great option for a night that I want to be warm and cozy
Meli and her entertaining friends- laughing, laughing, and more laughing
Weird and funny dreams that I will remember for a long time to come- :P
A fortune cookie with the slip of paper that read "You are heading for a land of sunshine."- talk about lifting spirits
Getting extra credit for going to class on a super snowy Friday- this is what I got instead of a snow day
Seeing robins and squirrels and knowing there is hope for a spring- yay!
hiking boots- for traction on the unplowed side walks!
Going to Chuck E Cheese for the first time ever- as adult and not a kid- This was with my Bible study girls and we were asked if any kids were with us and we shook our heads!
awe. meli and her entertaining friends. I love them to. this list brightened my day! hahahhahahah. (((: the hoodie thing made me laugh. that person probably got made fun of at first until people realized it was resourceful and smart!
What a fun post. You are a blessing and we are so proud of you.
Love, Mrs. Sanders
I heard about that Chuck E Cheese trip. You wild and crazy girl!
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