Monday, June 23, 2008

location: here and there

emotion: sleepy

Today I went to the track with my mom and brother. It was an easy run today just a mile on the track. Tim ran then stopped then ran then stopped. He hung out around the long jump a lot. After running we stopped at the library. Story time was going on and I told my mom how I remembered being smart then! They were singing some bug song. Tim was in a crabby mood but could help but smile when he heard the silly song about bugs.

I have been cleaning my desk but its a work in progress. I would like to begin scrapbooking. I've started a scrapbook but it only has one page complete and one other started. I just need a clean area to get going on it again. Also, I'm going through things and finding this to put in my scrapbook. I've found lots of things I've totally forgotten about. The scissors keep getting lost every time I need then to cut out something that my name or picture is in the paper for. I'm trying to down size and cut out only what I'm in, instead of the whole newspaper.

1 comment:

runnergirl© said...

good luck cleaning!(lmao)
haha, your fav activity of all time.
just don't throw it all on my side!