location: school
emotion: hyper
Today is a birthday of a few people I know. My brother is now 11 and my friend Mya is 18. Mya's mom showed up at school today to wish her daughter a happy birthday. Now her mom is one of those people that is super friendly and the events I'm telling aren't made up and is flatly the truth. Her mom gave her a teddy bear and teddy cookies. They were sitting on her desk when she walked into math class.
Lunch is a whole story by itself. She didn't know that her mom was still at school during lunch or that she was getting VIDEO TAPED!!!! Her mom was behind a vending machine with the video camera! She sat down, unaware of the surroundings. The other girls came from the lunch line and had seen her mom. Two of them didn't know it was a surprise and told her. We whispered that it was a surprise. So when Mya asked if they were joking they said they were. We were glad she thought it was just a prank. She was serving us some of her birthday cake when the real surprise came. Four guys came in with balloons and flowers. They came in behind her then one of the guys started singing a birthday song she turned around then turned bright red. Now be aware that all the lunch room is paying attention. Her mom has come out of hiding taping the whole planned out thing. Mya's mom baked a ton of cookies that she set on an empty table and random people were coming up to eat them. Her mom was making her so embarrassed! At the end of lunch her mom said she wasn't done yet. At the end of the day I saw Mya's car covered with ribbons! I'm glad all I had to go through is a little clapping at lunch for my b-day!
How wonderful! When I turned 16, my grandparents from Florida sent me 16 long stemmed roses while I was at school. It was wonderful...and embarrassing all at the same time.
Did she cry?
I am so glad my mom would not do that 2 me! lol
Hmmm, are you giving me ideas for your 18th???? Haaaaaa Haaaaa Haaaa
OOhhhh - we could all come sing with your mom on your birthday. Maybe the worship team could bring their instruments? And the flag team could make a big banner jsut for you and do a dance!!!! I am so excited! What's the date again?
don't worry...next year is your 18th!
what am I doing here!?!?!
I'd better start planning!!!
How sweet and I'm sure EMBARASSING. But what a cool, sweet thing to do!
please no ideas! thank you! and she didn't cry but I might.
That is sooo funny! lol And definitely embarassing!!
-Hanna G.
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