Saturday, January 23, 2010

January~ what I love

New Years! A time for a fresh new start. I have set new goals for myself. I'm having a new outlook on life this year.

Snow- When its crisp, fresh, and oh so white its just lovely!

A month off of school! I couldn't of asked for a better break!

Warm clothes- I think I will wear my sweater dress this coming week. I also love knit tights!

A cup of something warm- Chai tea, Coco, or a Starbucks Mocha= LOVE

Coming back to school and seeing my friends again. I think that this is going to be a better semester for me socially.

My long time friend's birthday party- She has had one for the last couple years and its always fun.

College Basketball games- The one I went to we beat our rival Akron U!

Shopping with Christmas money- :) Always a good feeling when you find things on sale!

Apples to Apples- I have played that game so much this month with different groups of people. It really is a game of hilarious comparisons!

Sledding and Quelf with the K girls- A fun day. Quelf is the most random game I've ever played. Its out of this world crazy. :P

Letters- They make me laugh. Just as funny as the person who wrote them.

Buying art supplies- I can't wait to see how these projects are going to turn out.

These are some things that have been the highlights of this month (so far). Is there anything that has been a highlight for you this month? Leave a comment about yours. :)

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