Saturday, February 14, 2009

I read a valentine story a few years ago online or in a magazine but I can't find it, so I'll write from what I remember.

One year a little boy in elementary school spent a lot of time making homemade valentines for all of his class. He glued the lace and cut the colored construction paper into hearts. He wrote each of the names neatly. At the Valentines Day Party, he put each of the cards into the boxes where the other kid's v-day cards were full. He came home to his mom with a huge smile on his face. He showed his mom his one single V-day card. It wasn't from any of his classmates. It was from his teacher. The one she gave to everyone of her students. The boy's mother started to cry because her son was so full of joy over one single valentine when he had given out ones to everyone.



Anonymous said...

Awh that's so sweet, a pure heart.

The Girl Next Door said...

I agree with your mom, that is sooooo sweet!


Jen said...

*Sniff, sniff*
I'm cryin' with the kids mom!
That was sorta sad and sorta makes me think.