Sunday, September 21, 2008

He is always with us

location: home, school

emotion: overwhelmed to confident

This past week has had some downs, ups, and all arounds. Staying positive is easier said than done. I have had an overwhelming amount of homework, tests, and reading to do. My head has been spinning. Then all kinds of others things didn't help either, like a comment my Principal made. I had to ask him a question and I saw he was standing in front of the art room. So I asked him the question I had. He answered me then asked if I had been crying. I'm thinking what crying?!? I guessed my eyes were red from my contacts so that's what I told him. Since he didn't know that answer to the question I went down the hall to the guidance counselor thinking why would think I was crying? Later for sculpture class my art teacher told me that Mr. S the Principal said I was too quiet to be an art teacher. How rude can this old guy be? First he says I look liked I cried then he says I'm not going to make it in the profession. He doesn't even know me! It made me really mad. I hate negative comments. He has never seen me when I go down to the elementary school or help in Sunday school class. He isn't very sensitive to the comments he makes.

So I took all my whirlwind emotions and used them by pushing myself at running practice. It worked because I ran my best time ever this weekend! I am really working to allow God to take control of everything thing in my life because its not possible for me to balance it all. He has better things in store for me that I have no clue about. He is the one that cares about every little thing. Nothing is to small or big for Him. I woke up this morning and realized how blessed I truly am. No matter what the world says I will listen to the voice of truth. Maybe there is some unknown reason for the negative comments that maybe later down the road I'll realize. Thank You God for being with me and for all those who keep me in their prayers!


Jen said...

Lauren - I think you will make a fantstic art teacher! You love art and you are good with people - you make eye contact, smile, are kind and interesting to talk with. Chris Tomlin's music teacher told him he would never make it either. And we know how THAT turned out!

I will pray for you as you give everything over to the Lord.

Psalm 37:23

Love, Mrs. G

Anonymous said...

Here Here I agree with MRS. G. I also know not to take ole' Mr. S's comments too serious as he is often known in the community to make comments that are not exactly encouraging. So you are right in listening to the one voice of truth.

Anonymous said...

i agree with her two
