Thursday, June 17, 2010

Joy not Happiness

It is very ironic that I wrote about being happy in my last blog because in reality I've been very stressed and unhappy. I've had a negative attitude towards everything that doesn't go my way. I feel like I'm three years old again. A friend told me "joy is forever, happiness is short lived" from there I remembered how joy is one of the fruits of the spirit and a gift from God. God's gifts are eternal. I need to stop thinking and dwelling in my negative attitude, wanting my own happiness. Instead I need to ask the Lord to fill me with His joy. Then I will be satisfied. Time to seek Him. :)


Etmiloves said...

hmm, can you treat yourself? Can you do something that you like? Pick up an old hobby perhaps? I would suggest getting a bite of one of your favorite desserts, but food rampages start if you're not careful. I myself could never say no to crème brulée. But I am very sorry to hear your unhappiness.

Jen said...

Good words! Thanks for your heart!

Love - Mrs. G