Monday, December 21, 2009

Simple things that make this season fun

I wrapped some presents today. I'm not the best at it but oh well. Nobody really cares how it is wrapped anyways. I am all finished with my share of Christmas shopping and gift wrapping. I also decorated some Christmas cookies. I'm looking forward to having movie nights. We need to bring out "Its a Wonderful Life" and "The Nativity Story." We taped "Cranford" last night on the DVR so we will probably stay up late and watch it. Masterpiece Theater is showing "Cranford" and there is now a sequel that is going to follow it. There also is a new "Emma." Check for all the rest and when they are showing.

I am thinking of what I want my goals to be for the upcoming year. I'm not totally sure yet but my brain is beginning to ponder.

1 comment:

Jen said...

My mom and I tried watching Cramford....I was enjoying it untill that guy fell out of the tree. Yuck. :) I love Emma! The lighting in that movie is lovely. I always told myself that I would marry a Mr.Knightly. Proabably not going to happen. :)
