location: a number of places
mood: giggly
Spring break! yeah! cheers! What are fun time of year. You have just the right amount of school left until summer vacation. Anyways on to what happened today. I went shopping! A fun event. I feel like I accomplished the typical never ending search for a swimsuit! I found one right away, what a concept. I'm still in search of shorts since nothing caught my eye and the selection was limited. I found a few other cute things.
A funny moment of the day was when my mom and I were on the way home. My mom was driving the speed limit but this van passed us. When they passed us this dude in the passenger seat stuck his head out the window and made that rocker hand thing and had a crazy look on his face. They passed someone else and did the same thing!!!! We got a good laugh.
My mom and I were on r way home 1 time and some dude stuck his head out the window and did 1 of those fake,"Aaaaahhhh!" things.It must b a gig peeps do when they r all hyped up. :)
I LUV shopping!Mumzee and I r going 2 shop on Sunday!Yay!LOL
I'd luv 2 go shopping with u sometime!
G2G up date my blog!Check it out some time!
remember the puppets???
I want your swimsuit!
prayer buddies= we just pray for eachother if the other person requests it.
Hurry up and post!LOL
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